Flannel Shirts Pakistan: Production And Types Of Flannel

Flannel Shirts Pakistan: Production And Types Of Flannel

In this article, you will find about flannel shirts in Pakistan Overview, their history, use, production methods, types, and many other details. 

Flannel is a soft and lightweight cotton fabric used for flannel shirts. You can find a fuzzy, smooth and napped finish on one or both sides of the flannel fabric. The typical loose weaving of the material or brushing makes the fabric soft and smooth. Additionally, The cosiness it provides keeps you from getting cold yet looking chic at the same time. It helps keep your body warm and cosy in the winter. 

In this article, you will understand what flannel shirts in Pakistan are. Its use, production, variety and much more. Stay tuned and increase your knowledge horizon.

What Is The Flannel Fabric? 

Any fabric like cotton, wool or any synthetic material is called flannel when it fulfils a few basic requirements: 

  • You can only call a fabric "flannel" if it has the quality of incredible softness in it. 
  • Moreover, the Flannel fabric should have a fine texture, no matter whether it can be brushed or unbrushed. Both are considered iconic as both have their pros. 
  • There are a lot of Materials that can be used to make a flannel fabric. However, some highly smooth fabrics, such as silk, can not be used. 

Fabric name


Fabric composition

Different kinds of soft fibres, either brushed or unbrushed, can be used

Fabric possible thread count variations

Up to 1,000 plus

Fabric breathability

Depends on the constituent fabrics' variety

Moisture-wicking abilities

Varies based on constituent fabrics - generally high

Heat retention abilities

Varies based on constituent fabrics - generally medium-high



Prone to pilling


Country where the fabric was first produced

Wales (most likely)

Biggest exporting/producing country today

It depends on the constituent fabrics - China, Australia, or India

Recommended washing temperatures

Varies based on constituent fabrics

Commonly used in

Shirts, quilts, button-downs, jackets, blouses, sweaters, bedsheets, and upholstery.

History Of Flannel Shirts Pakistan:

Flannel fabric's origin is always related to Wales. However, we know that it was also known in France in the 17th century. 

With time, the flannel fabric was sometimes famous among European and French people. Additionally, this fabric's use has enormously increased in the Welsh community. 

Today's Insights About Flannel Shirts Pakistan:

Nowadays, different types of fabrics used for flannel shirts are known. However, it is known that the original one is always related to Welsh towns and communities. There is a big difference between the Welsh and Newtown flannel shirts.  

The plaid fabric also experienced a revival in its approval and popularity in the 1990s. The same is the case with flannel fabric due to its high demand among people. It has come a long way far from its original type, which was Welsh flannel. Traditional Welsh flannel that has been coming through generations made by passing through specific processes. However, Nowadays, it falls under the same general category as standard synthetic fibres. 

How Are Flannel Shirts Manufactured?

Flannel fabric is prepared by passing through some stages explained below for your information:

Base material production:

The first step in making flannel fabric is to obtain the base or raw material. Then according to the end product required, the material could be cotton, wool or synthetic fibres. Delicate and extra smooth fabrics like silk are only somewhat suitable for making flannel fabric. 

Yarn spinning:

The second step in the making involves yarn spinning. That is mostly the same as for other fabrics. Yarn spun for flannel shirt making may get different treatments for flannel fabric. However, the main difference between flannel with either material appears in the weaving step of the production.

Fabric weaving:

A plain or straight weave is usually used to create flannel fabric. Moreover, the weave is napped on each side to give the material a smooth and soft texture. Napping is a process that makes the cloth warmer and heavier by providing insulation in the naps. Napping hides the spun fibre and gives an aspect of unspun wool. The fabric is woven into a specific matrix form. This makes it strong, but napping does make a difference in the fabric's resilience to some extent. 

Final treatments:

Finally, The last stage involves the final touch-up to the fabric to make flannel shirts. Usually, the synthetic flannel is coated with a flame-retardant coating that might be harmful. Naturally, wool is a flame-resistant material, and different treatments may apply to cotton flannel shirts. If you want to get your hands on the safest and most original flannel shirts Pakistani brand in the market, the best choice is Robert Kaufman Mammoth Flannel.

How Are Flannel Shirts Pakistan Used?

Flannel fabric can be used in a lot of different ways. For instance, fashion, home decor and many other ways you can think of. 

Here are some ways listed you can use flannel fabric in.

  • Apparel
  • Accessories
  • Homewares
  • Upholstery 

Which Countries Produce Flannel Fabric?

The countries listed made different kinds of flannel shirts and fabrics.  

  • Australia is the world's Largest producer of wool. Furthermore, It has more sheep than people in the country. 
  • India is the world's biggest producer of cotton. This country has been a well-known textile producer for many years.
  • China occupies the title of the Largest producer of synthetic textiles.

How Many Types Of Flannel Can You Find?

  1. Wool flannel
  2. Cotton flannel
  3. Synthetic or mixed flannel
  4. Ceylon flannel
  5. Baby flannel
  6. Diaper flannel
  7. Vegetable flannel
  8. Flannelette


A flannel shirt would be an iconic addition to your wardrobe. You can take your styling game to the next level by getting your hands on flannel shirts in Pakistan. Flannel fabric originated in Wales City. Now it got recognition among many other regions like French and European people. However, with time, many synthetic materials are also considered under the category of flannel fabric. By the way, you can style this fabric in many different ways. 

Thanks for reading!

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